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About perception

     Adaptive evolution is the key to survival. We are born perfectly suited to our survival, our development and our fulfillment.

Aside from our biological identity, we inherit  a good part of our deeply ingrained attitudes, patterns of behavior, and patterns of belief. Even though perception is the main tool we use to create our reality, we inherit its core foundation.

One comes into the world well connected energetically and emotionally to the environment. Babies feel a presence and are able to decode emotions long before they are able to sensorially explore their world or understand what presence or emotion is. Then the process of connecting to the environment deepens, and as we sensorially discover the material world and learn to use words as communication tools, the gap between the energetic world as perceived by a child and the materialistic world - the one observed by adults, widens.

Thus, children find it difficult to understand why they cannot visit their favorite grandparent just because he lives far away or because he is dead. Young children do not see space and time as absolute values ​​- the way adults observe them, just as they do not understand what death is. Since children are highly adaptive, they will generally accept and embrace conventional adult materialistic standards and their limited Newtonian worldview. As they age, most of them will retain this limited mechanistic understanding of the world for the rest of their lives.

Existential curiosity or a professional career will lead some of us to top scientific careers and give us the opportunity to discover that science helps us to observe and copy nature. Thus, we end up understanding that the Newtonian view of the world is called "limited" because it applies only to the observable world. When things are too small, too big, or moving too fast to observe, Newtonian mechanistic laws no longer apply. When we push our instruction to the limit of scientific knowledge of quantum physics, we actually return our understanding to the child’s intuitive, metaphysical perception of the world.

As we advance our scientific knowledge, we discover that time and space can be extended, bent or collapsed; we discover that the so-called material atomic structure is not really material but mostly empty space. With time, we learn that the world is rather a kind of a holographic illusion than a tangible material one. Since certainty is a major existential need, this discovery will puzzle us instead of clarifying things. Consequently, we may question which one of the two completely different worlds is real: The Newtonian material one or the quantum physical energetic one?

As a matter of fact, both worlds are measurable and have been scientifically proven to be real. The materialistic world is rationally observable, and the quantum world is intuitively perceivable. Since the subconscious mind plays a key role in perception, reality is merely perception censored by our belief system. Therefore, the world we live in is always a reflection of ourselves.

Since belief systems tends to be self-validating, a materialistic limited view will reveal nothing but a materialistic limited world. However, an intuitive worldview will reveal a world governed by the laws of quantum physics where healing is a natural phenomenon driven by morphogenetic fields, a magical world that extends far beyond observable limits.

Some people explore their limited materialistic world by observing it, while some other people explore their quantum world by perceiving it! Space and digital technologies are tangible results of creative, intuitive genius spirits and not of rational analytical minds.

Our life’s journey is always motivated by our truths and guided by our perceptions.

The "No Results - No Pay" principle guarantees my integrity and applies to all my therapies.






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Disclaimer: The above article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author. It is intended for general informational purposes and does not constitute psychological or medical professional advice. I don't diagnose conditions, nor do I interfere with any treatments given by your medical professional.

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*The results may vary from person to person.

Somatic Hypnotherapy - 186 Sutton Pl, suite 104, Beaconsfield, Montréal, Qc, H9W5S3