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Connecting the dots

     Despite their instruction, successful careers, or wealth, most people still search for a pathway to happiness.

Gradually, we realize that happiness is not about people, wealth, or situations but about how we perceive these things. As we age we understand that happiness is not a state of the brain but a state of mind; happiness is only about our feelings

By following our emotional path, we understand that it is not necessarily life events, but rather our core beliefs that are responsible for how we feel. Our belief system acts like a filter and regardless of what happens outside, it alters our perception and makes us feel the way we feel.

Following your therapy in Somatic Hypnotherapy, you’ll most likely get rid of most, if not all the piled-up anxiety and stress-related symptoms. Yet, although this powerful therapy will probably winnow away all your accumulated stress and anxiety, somatic hypnotherapy won’t block your ability to experience new fears that, with time, may lead to an accumulation of fresh anxieties and stress.

Somatic Hypnotherapy sessions are windows of opportunity for changing your life and avoiding future problems, rather than a lifelong, lasting shield against all future problems. Yet, you can change your life only by changing your core beliefs. Without awareness and a conscious commitment to change, your old habits and beliefs will sabotage your efforts to change.

We intuitively feel that there is something beyond the observable material world. Although we are still willing to believe that Santa Claus lives at the North Pole, we are taught in school that the world we live in is material and governed by Newton's laws. And we continue to believe this until we finally awaken our spirituality.

Whether we learn to trust our intuition or study quantum physics, we discover that the most advanced scientific understanding of our world is that the universe is nothing more than pure energy that we perceive as a material world. Although we undoubtedly perceive this dematerialized spiritual world and are so eager to explore it, unfortunately, most of us will fail. We fail primarily because we wrongly assume that we must deny material reality in order to access spiritual reality.

In fact, we do not have to make an exclusive choice. The spiritual and material worlds are parallel rather than alternative – as is wrongly believed. We do not have to hide our PhD while engaging in spiritual or religious practice. Contrary to popular belief, spirituality or religion does not prevent us from achieving academic or professional excellence. Albert Einstein, one of the most recognized and well-known scientists, was a deeply spiritual man. So were Max Planck, Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton, and many other renowned scientists, political leaders, philosophers, and artists.

The concept of the materialistic world is nothing but a mechanistic model governed by Newton's laws. Newton's laws explain how things work only when things are average-sized and move at average speeds. So far, materialistic models haven’t offered a reasonable explanation of what happens when things are way too big, way too small, or move too fast. Moreover, materialistic models don't offer any explanation of why things exist, or why the world exists. Therefore, the Euclidean materialistic world is not only sad and spiritless, but it is essentially an aimless world!

However, intelligence, instruction, hard work, wealth, as well as most of the tools we need to succeed with our academic teaching and careers and to be perceived as successful individuals, all belong to the Newtonian material world. And you'll most likely follow this pattern unless your dream is to pursue a career that requires a high level of creativity or other roles that necessitate inspiration, such as becoming a priest, an artist, a top scientist, or a philosopher. If so, you'd better look toward spiritual growth since inspiration and creation are spiritual concepts.

The quantum, or so-called spiritual world, gives us a higher perspective of the limitless universe. The spiritual world opens our perspective by giving our existence a purpose as spirits with human life and enabling our limitless potential to actively create the world we inhabit. Wisdom, gratitude, humbleness, inspiration, creativity, compassion, charity, forgiveness, kindness, and many other virtues that make us feel human and give us a sense and a purpose to our life, are all spiritual, philosophical, and religious concepts. The practice of the healing arts is a spiritual concept as well.

Taking full advantage of both the materialistic and spiritual world is a personal decision and has nothing to do with scientific proof. It depends only on whether or not you want the best of both these so different worlds. All you have to do is enable your innate multitasking capabilities and extend your universe by adding the intuitively perceived spiritual world to the materialistic one that we all observe.

Whether you feel that you are a human being with a spiritual experience or a spirit with human life experiences, let this life be a journey into these parallel worlds’ universe and help you live your life to its fullest.

“The gift of mental power comes from God, Divine Being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power. My Mother had taught me to seek all truth in the Bible.” - Nicola Tesla

“Both religion and science need for their activities the belief in God, and moreover God stands for the former in the beginning, and for the latter at the end of the whole thinking. For the former, God represents the basis, for the latter – the crown of any reasoning concerning the world-view.” - Max Planck

“He who thinks half-heartedly will not believe in God; but he who really thinks has to believe in God.” - Sir Isaac Newton.

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious; It is the source of all true art and science.True religion is real living; living with all one’s soul, with all one’s goodness and righteousness."- Albert Einstein

The "No Results - No Pay" principle guarantees my integrity and applies to all my therapies.

Contact me and book your appointment today! Let this be the most exciting experience of your life, and I will be happy to help you on your journey.

Disclaimer: The above article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author. It is intended for general informational purposes and does not constitute psychological or medical professional advice. I don't diagnose conditions, nor do I interfere with any treatments given by your medical professional.

If you already are under the care of a doctor or under medical treatment, follow the advice and treatment recommended by your doctor. For any medical emergency, call the Info-Santé service by dialing 8-1-1

*The results may vary from person to person.

Somatic Hypnotherapy - 186 Sutton Pl, suite 104, Beaconsfield, Montréal, Qc, H9W5S3